
Thursday, June 09, 2005



From the page..."The protest, in which three people placed themselves in containers resembling supermarket meat trays, was meant to compare eating meat with cannibalism."

Cannibalism = A person who eats the flesh of other humans.
Main Entry: can·ni·bal·ism
Pronunciation: -b&-"liz-&m
Function: noun
1 : the usually ritualistic eating of human flesh by a human being
2 : the eating of the flesh or the eggs of any animal by its own kind
3 : the pecking and tearing of the live flesh of its own members in a domestic poultry flock —compare PECKING ORDER
4 : oral sadism

So eating a burger or steak is not cannibalism.

PETA is pointless. God I hate them. The world would be nicer with out them. They are like 3 on my list or 7 groups or people who should either should not have been born or not been created.

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